Serin Banquet Hall on map

Serin Banquet Hall

Baku, Хatai district, Babek prospect, 65B AZ1000 *** 2 voted

About Serin Banquet Hall

With its luxurious and magnificent design, wedding house «Sarin» is always a prefarable place in Baku for weddings, banquet and concerts and it is designed for 500 persons. Not only famous stars of Azerbaijan, but also of the world have performed their programs on the stage of wedding house «Sarin».For making these concerts and presentations more interesting, more colorful and remarkable, wedding house «Sarin» uses the latest wonders of technology; light, laser and voice effects.Professional cooks of the kitchen, located at 500m2 area and furnished with modern facilities, are working wonders to treat guests to more delicious and rich meals both in family parties and concert programs.

About Sarin company

Company «Sarin» was registered on 13th of January in 1989 year at Narimanov district of city Baku. Basic activity of the company covered sale and purchase of foodstuff and agricultural products, as well as public services. In 1998 year restaurant «Sarin» was opened. Hotel «Sarin» began to serve its guests from 24th August 2000 year. Having overcame several economic crisises, today company «Sarin» is launching new businesses. Though little, this contributes to employment of people. We hope, that due to its right and transparent economic policy company «Sarin» will launch many new projects in future.