Why Microsoft reduced more 2100 workers?

Why Microsoft reduced more 2100 workers?

The site oneclick.az informs due to the BBC that, company Microsoft has issued a new plan on labor force. According to this plan, Company is to reduce its 18000 workers. This number forms 14 % of its personnel. Microsoft recently reduced 2100 working places.

Program provider said that more 747 working places will be reduced in Sitl. Microsoft has reduced 13 000 working places in general at the purchased Nokia telephone sector. Executive director Satia Nadella has declared their radical plans on movement on the online service, apps and devices from the program provider of the company Microsoft in July.

Microsoft will oblige the expenses related to the reducing between USD 1.1 mlr. and USD 1.6 mlr. that has nearly 127 000 men at the salary payment schedule. Microsoft stated in his declaration that, the final reduction covers all his business types and sections in several countries.

Mr. Nadella said in his speech that, though these reduces were difficult, but it was very necessary steps for the new direction in technology world of the company. “The first step for establishment of the company in new direction is reestablishment of the personnel due to our ambitions” he said.

Microsoft has completed its final purchase with combination of Nokia in April that has therefore strengthened its position in mobile telephone and device world. Price of Nokia was nearly USD 7.5 mlr.