Marketing of partnership

Marketing of partnership

Any type of business applies this or another type degree of the marketing program in relatively wide or more alternative limit as the business improves. But there is a marketing strategy that, it can be considered the best one of all periods. It is a Partnership Marketing sometimes known as Strategic Alliance.

The core of this marketing is that, you find close business but not competing with you having the same customer base, and then you agree to agitate one – another’s products and services to your own customers. For example, if you make a barber activity, then personal trainers, beauty clinics, massage therapists and fashion homes can be close to your business. If you are occupied with the clearing business, then the real estate agencies, interior designers and dyers can be your partners.

After getting a clear opinion on Partnership Marketing, we explain you its 5 most valuable benefits now:

Partnyorluq Marketinqi haqqında aydın fikir aldıqdan sonra indi sizə onun 5 ən dəyərli faydalarını izah edəcəyik:

1. Faster
Let’s give you a question: Can you find 100 customers more rapidly or 4 - 5 companies having 100 customers in general? The first option can take your weeks, even months, while the application of the second option can be realized only for a few hours.

You should make an investigation with these business types, in order to set a list of perspective partners and then in order to know what a value can you add to their businesses at the second option. After it, you either call or send an e – mail to them and explain the situation and invite them to partnership. It isn’t naturally a new thing, but making so, four of every five businesses will agree to meet you. If it happens, it will easy to continue the work from that moment.

2. Cheaper
There is some business that, they expand USD 100 for attracting of each customer. If we consider it at the context of the above – mentioned example, it means that, you should expend USD 10 000 for involving 100 new customers. It is a great amount against reaching of the hope (only a hope!!!) on desirable benefit. But the amount that you must expend at the Partnership Marketing will not be more than some hundred manat for the printing of brochures.

3. More effective
Majority of your customers you earned at the traditional marketing are cruel at the beginning stage at least. Because, it requires a long time for their being sure on reason why they select namely your product, though they like your products. But when your product is agitated by your partner that has already gained a reputation, a confidence that he gained by his customers will automatically be transferred to you.

4. Being more loved
Reality is that, your customers spent more time to search the products of business close to you without your support. If you find a reliable partner and recommend him to your customer, then you will save his time resource and that’s why he will love you. And the loving customer will buy more products from you and will recommend you to his surroundings.

5. You will be seen stronger
If you build a new business and your trade mark isn’t yet known to the broad customer mass, then the partnership marketing is the better means for representing you greater. Representing logos of your partners in your site or brochures, you will establish an impression on having a wide business in your customers. They will think that: “If your business is so wide and if so many companies know you, then your business is healthy.”

So, you will take a position on attracting your customers of your partners and on directing of your customers to your partners. In addition, the exit Partnership Marketing will simplify the involving of the new partnership and obtaining the arc shape of this process.

So, we introduced you 5 most useful reasons of the Partnership Marketing to you. But these arguments are the simplified form of the process and we advise you that, learn more about it. Mastering this profession will establish a provision of the continuingbusiness for you.