“3D” shoe

“3D” shoe

Leading brands of the world "Nike" and "Adidas" has begun to use of the “3D” technology for speed up the manufacture process of shoe. Prototype of the new show pedestal is set via three size printers.

New technology allows manufacturing of the sport shoes for incredible fast period. If before the labor of 12 techniques are demanded on preparation of “Adidas” shoe, only 2 persons are enough for it at the present. Additionally, estimation process of the new prototype will be happened not for 4 – 6 weeks, but for 1 – 2 days. But it is demanded nearly 2 hours for the production of a shoe pedestal.

Manufacturer estimates the low range of the speed of printer as the main limit. Let’s note that, “3D” – print is successfully applied in heavy industry, especially in aero cosmic field. In addition to it, this technology is used at the manufacture of individual hearing apparatus and endoprotesis.