The Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an independent, nongovernmental, nonprofit public organization.The Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established in 1922.The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall operate in accordance with the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, the present Charter and the decisions of the highest body.The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall perform its activities in cooperation with the enterprises, corporations, organizations, businessmen and their associations irrespective of the forms of property, subordination and location on the territory of the republic as well as with the businessmen from other countries and international organizations
The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall ensure legal protection of the interests of the businessmen before the state and its bodies, as well as the social partners before the working people’s organizations.The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall perform its functions through its enterprises, organizations and corporations established independently or through the republic’s structural units, or abroad.The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall be a juridical entity; possess separate property, may acquire on its behalf property and personal non-property rights and bear responsibility, sue and be sued in courts of law, arbitration courts and courts of referees.The Azerbaijan Republic CCI shall have the seal with the inscription of the baton of Mercury, God of commerce, in the upper portion of which there is a crescent and eight-pointed star, symbolizing the national flag of Azerbaijan, this emblem is encircled with the name of the Azerbaijan Republic CCI in Azerbaijani.