Supermarket No.1 Sabunchu dist. on map

Supermarket No.1 Sabunchu dist.

Baku, Sabunchu district, 5 AZ1000 *** 1 voted

About Supermarket No.1 Sabunchu dist.

"Supermarket №1" - belonging to supermarket chains in Azerbaijan has great potential for development and the level of premium. Our supermarket has more than 67,000 name products to introduce to you a new and high quality."Supermarket №1" supermarket chain sells both domestic and foreign products. On the quality of the products has been elected, environmentally composition, shelf life and so on. "Supermarket-№1" for customers who prefer a wide selection of quality assured and more than 67,000 high-quality food products, fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products, flour products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, delicacies, as well as non-food and small household appliances .

Quality and policy objective of the Network "Supermarket №1"

Network "Supermarket №1" our primary mission is to provide customers with healthy and quality products. For consumer safety follow the rules of hygiene. To this end, a number of security measures. Because we set a goal to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and continuously meet the growing needs. Staff training and seminars organized in order to raise the level of knowledge is one of the pillars of quality policy. Proper control of temperature during storage and sale of products is of great importance. The temperature in warehouses, refrigerators and shelves are checked for compliance. One security measure used is the quality control. The availability of the date of each product is checked on a regular basis and use of expired products removed from sale.