Social union of corruption control "Shaffaflig Azerbaijan" on map

Social union of corruption control "Shaffaflig Azerbaijan"

Baku, Yasamal district, Jafar Jabbarlı street, 16 AZ1065 *** 1 voted

About Social union of corruption control "Shaffaflig Azerbaijan"

Transparency Azerbaijan was established in October, 2000 by representatives of civil society and academia; fully accredited as a national chapter in October, 2001, and re-accredited in August, 2006 and February, 2010. We work mainly in the areas of raising public awareness, researching into the reasons and forms of corruption in Azerbaijan, as well as ways to reduce this destructive social phenomenon. We also render legal aid to witnesses and victims of corruption and assist the Government in drafting policy and legislative acts.

About Transparency International

Transparency International is an international non-governmental organization, leading anti-corruption movement all over the globe. The Berlin-based Transparency International Secretariat coordinates anti-corruption activities in more than 100 countries through its national chapters. The chapters are independent local NGOs, free to choose their own polices and to raise funds for their activities. Transparency International is based on the principle that, as corruption is a country-specific phenomenon, local organizations can be much more efficient than any efforts taken or imposed from the outside.