In our company wide range products such as national, European, Russian, Turkish and Eastern under the brand name Oven are presented to the customers with great pleasure.Over the years our company achieved high professional knowledge and experience in the confectionery and this in turn, allowed offering wide range services to our customers.Our main purpose is to expand our business and serve according to our customers’ wishes trying to work with enthusiasm. Being brand Oven, it is used only natural-based materials in the production of the wide range products.
All the products are produced by the specially-trained and experienced craftsmen. In all sale points, the production of Oven products is carried out compliance with existing standards. All Oven products are prepared with its own contents.In Oven bakery and sweets house professional staff serves our customers. Every customer can buy high-quality products with the acceptable price for daily and private days.
Every day our products are directly presented to our customers producing in sale point especially in our factory.OVEN - from the hot oven with golden taste always on your table.