Nyu Sfera Group of companies started out in 1992. Beginning steps of company profile was directed to commercial and trade sphere. Today company engages construction and repair, tourism, chain of restaurants, logistic etc. spheres. In 2006 year Nyu Sfera Tourism, Nyu Sfera Logistic, Nyu Sfera Construction, Nyu Sfera Trade companies grew and became Nyu Sfera Group of Companies. Developing of company enlarged and borders covered Azerbaijan regions and world. Great strides covers Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Chine etc. One of newly erected building construction is ongoing project in Ukraine. Nyu Sfera gained success in mill sphere as well. For detailed information www.nyusfera.com.ua. We have successfully completed governmental projects. Our projects include administrative buildings in Sumqayit and Xachmaz regions, National Fire Administrative buildings in Qobustan and Qaradag. There are several residential building projects of company: 2 21 floored building in R.Behbudov str., 18 floored with 4 entrance building in Tebriz str., 12 floored with 5 entrance building in Q.Qarayev ave., 3 floored office building in Ataturs ave., 2 personal residence in A.Rajabli str., 4 floored personal residence in Shikhov, 3 floored residence in Novkhani, Green House premium entertainment project in Ismayilli. One of the last projects of Nyu Sfera are 3 newly projected modern wedding houses.