Neftqazelmitedqiqatlayihe Институт на карте

Neftqazelmitedqiqatlayihe Институт

Баку, Ясамальский район, улица Зардаби Гасанбека, 88A AZ1012 *** 1 проголосовали


О Neftqazelmitedqiqatlayihe Институт

SOCAR's Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute was established as a result of the merger of two company’s institutes (Research Institute and Oil and Gas Design Institute) on the basis of Order No. 95 of the President of SOCAR of July 21, 2009 pursuant to Decree No. 126 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of July 20, 2009 "Concerning the Improvement of the Structure of SOCAR".

Activities of the İnstitute

The Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute is involved in geological and geophysical surveys of prospects and oil and gas fields, exploration, the preparation of prospects for development, oil and gas field development, well drilling, completion, and operation, petrochemical and petroleum processing engineering, petroleum industry economic and management studies, the preparation of short-term reservoir engineering strategies, environmental protection, the processing, storage, and transportation of petroleum products, and the drafting and official registration of pertinent regulations. The Institute is extensively involved in field development and the design of oil and gas processing facilities. More than 80 laboratories and departments engaged in research, design, and engineering operate under the Institute.

Structure of the İnstitute

The Institute's scientific potential is evidenced by its staff of 22 Doctors of Science and 188 Candidates of Science, and most of the Institute's world-class research has been confirmed by inventor's certificates. The Institute has more than 1200 inventions to its credit. The Institute's high scientific prowess and wealth of expertise gained over the course of many years have allowed the organization to resolve challenging scientific and engineering problems in the comprehensive development of geologically complex oil fields. The Neftgazelmitadgigatlayiha Institute fills orders from SOCAR&nquot;s divisions and does contract work for third parties.