Municipality of Zira on map

Municipality of Zira

Baku, Zira settlement, Khazar district, Calal Aliyev street, 1 AZ1120 *** 2 voted

About Municipality of Zira

Zirə is a settlement and municipality in Baku, Azerbaijan.It has a population of 11,053.Zira settlement is located near to Pirallahi Island of Apsheron peninsula, in the south (45-46 km) of Baku. Zira settlement is surrounded from three sides (South, East, North) by the Caspian Sea. More near part to the sea is in the south, around Shah dili strip. Zira village have had a large pasture along the history. The village has gotten settlement status since 50s of the last century. The lands of Zira historically were the same border with Gala and Turkan villages. People from Surakhani were moved to the land which is named Port during Soviet Empire. They've begun to live there which has been named it "Gishlaq", at the same time "Khasakhana" dwelling area was settled down.

History of Zira

There are various versions of origin of name of Zira village. Based on some ethnographers' opinion the origin of the name is Caraway, because of this plant was planted well. But based on another ethnographers' opinion that the origin come out from the word "Zir" (in Arabic this is used under letters and sounds "ee"), because of the settlement is located between two heights. Besides, there is another version that the word Zira came out from the word "Djazira" (in Arabic - island). Most of islands around the Caspian Sea have been called Arabian word Djazira till the near past (Nargin, Peschanni, Bulla, Dash Zira, Boyuk Zira, Khara Zira and etc.).

But some scholars think that Zira toponym came out from Arabian word "Ziraat" (farming). Indeed, pasture of Zira village was large. There was a lot of agrarian land. If we don't take into account the ancient dwelling areas around the village, Moderns Zira village has approximately 350-400 years old. This information is able to be read on the stones of Pir in the ancient graveyard in the village. Existence of "Gubala" residence in the south-eastern side of the village was affirmed by scholars.