Municipality of Saray on map

Municipality of Saray

Vali Akhundov street, Saray settlement, Absheron district, 27 AZ0121 *** 0 voted

About Municipality of Saray

Saray is a village and the most populous municipality, except for the capital Xırdalan, in the Absheron Rayon of Azerbaijan.[citation needed] It has a population of 10,693.The history of Saray settlement belongs to XI centuries. So, the origin of word Saray is "Caravan Sara". In B.C. the one way of Ancient "Silk Way" has passed through the south side of Saray village. After having rest here, the Caravan has continued going. As a result of economical development caravan transport was substituted by other transport. So, caravan traffic ceased. Therefore, the word caravan was abbreviated, Sara became Saray adding "y" to the end of word.