Executive power of Mingechеvir city on map

Executive power of Mingechеvir city

Mingechevir, 20 Yanvar street, 146 AZ4500 *** 0 voted

About Executive power of Mingechеvir city

Mingachevir, is the fourth-largest city in Azerbaijan with a population of about 150,000. It is known as city of lights because of its hydroelectric power station on the Kur River, which splits the city in half.The area has been settled for thousands of years, but the current city was founded in 1948, partly by German soldiers who were taken prisoner during World War II. Mingechevir is also home to Mingachevir Polytechnic Institute. The city forms an administrative division of Azerbaijan.

History of Mingachevir

Despite the fact that Mingecevir is a young town, the territory where the town is located is known as an ancient abode. The history of this abode covers a period from the eneolith era (3000 BC) to the AD 17th century. It was the chairman of the Caucasus archeological committee, A. I. Berje, who first gave information about the archeological monuments of Mingecevir at the second congress of archeologists in St Petersburg in 1871.[citation needed] Although this information was not precise, Berje presented Mingecevir as an ancient settlement.

After this, Mingecevir remained out of archeologists’ attention for many years. Archeological researches resumed in Mingecevir only in mid-1930s as part of the construction of the hydroelectric power station. The researches started under the leadership of Prof. Pakhomov in 1935.[citation needed] These researches revealed two ancient settlements and cemeteries, which were composed of various types of graves.[citation needed] Unfortunately, World War II prevented the research being completed.

The construction of the hydroelectric power station started immediately after the war. This marked a start of systematic and planned research of Mingecevir as an ancient abode. Archeological excavations were carried out from April 1946 to August 1953 by a group of archeologists headed by S. M. Qaziyev in connection with the construction of the Mingecevir hydroelectric power station under a decision by the Supreme Board of the Azerbaijani Academy of Sciences.[citation needed] Over 20,000 historical monuments – graves and tumuli, means of production, things related to daily life, jewelry etc., which reflected historical periods in chronological sequence, were found during the excavations