State Fund For Support to Development of Mass Media under the President of Azerbaijan Republic (hereinafter-Fund) has been set up according to the Instructive Order 2957, dated July 31 2008, of the President of Azerbaijan Republic "On Approval of "Concept of State Support for Development of Mass Media in Azerbaijan Republic".The Fund is a non-commerce legal persons implementing state support to development of mass media.
In its activity, the Fund proceeds from the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, international treaties to which the Azerbaijan Republic is a party, laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, decrees and instructive orders of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and this Charter.Fund pursues independent activity and interacts with government, local self-management, mass media, foreign and international organizations when discharging the tasks, functions and rights stipulated in this Charter.
Funds builds its activity on rule of law, transparency, cooperation, mutual responsibility and accountability.State support to mass media by the Fund doesn't preclude support to mass media by other persons including also international organizations.The Fond has an independent balance,treasury account, state property in ownership according to the law, seal containing State ensign of Azerbaijan Republic and its own name, relevant stamp and blanks.
The Fund's main goal is to promote the freedom of thought, speech and information in Azerbaijan Republic, support independence of mass media, stimulate application of new information-communication technologies in information sector, expand effective cooperation between the society and mass media, facilitate enhanced professionalism and responsibility among journalists, strengthen social defense, and finance programs, projects (hereinafter - projects) and other arrangements, which hold significance for state and society, anticipate development of mass media and support their development.