About Investment Group
High quality professional personnel works In “Investment Group” (IG) which was established in 2010 and performs all tasks of the management with special responsibilities. The company IG could essentially widen its activity in agriculture field in transport and commercial sectors for a short time. In a result of the held great actions, the company has affiliated the following companies: "IG Technics", "IG Agro", "IG Trans" and "IG Trading". IG Company is engaged in the installation of the modern refrigerating storages and heating complexes. Twenty – four – hour after – sales service of the refrigerating installations and greenhouses is performed by our workers. Specialists of the company are periodically trained for improvement of their qualification in abroad and apply the mastered advance technologies in Azerbaijan. Beside it, Besides it, the company IG could already to open representation the Turkey companies "Karaca Sulama Otomosyon" and "A-SERA" and Israel companies "Pelemix" in Baku. Nearly 80% enterprises supplied by the company is official orders of the government in the limit of programs aiming on economic development of all regions of the company. IG has repeatedly won the governmental tenders during 2010 – 2012, at the time became a partner of some foreign enterprises due to its close cooperation with them. The company has organized its own auto park of the trucks during its activity period where beside the used ones, there are new trucks too. All techniques there have more than 30 descriptions. High qualified professional drivers work here, which is engaged in international load transportation of low and high tonnage as well as internal load transportation of low and high tonnage. Transported loads are fully insured by the company and delivered in any point of the world in time. Principles of our work – are the qualitative service, truth, available prices, non – problem customs documentation which are prepared by our workers till the load arriving in custom area. “IG Trading” has opened a representation of some foreign companies as: "VOULIS CHEMICHALS" – Greece Company, which is a leader on production of auto cosmetics means, "PENNASOL" – German company, engaging in the production of motor oils. Besides it, “IG Trading” is engaged in the realization of all types of equipment for garages, for automobile washers, auto services, cars and trucks, as well as in acquiring and leasing of the road techniques, auto cars, platforms etc.