Institute of Power Engineering on map

Institute of Power Engineering

Baku, Yasamal district, Hasanbay Zardabi street, 94 AZ1012 *** 2 voted

About Institute of Power Engineering

Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute (Ltd. "AzSR&DPPEI") have been created by association of three institutes working in structure of OJSC "Azerenerji": research and two design.The association purpose consisted in optimization of structure of management, approach of the scientific and design works which are carried out by institute, to problems of development and functioning of system of electric power industry of the Azerbaijan Republic.At institute the design, scientific and general divisions which number makes 310 employees function.Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Power Institute has been organized on the basis of created in 1933 year in a city of Baku, Sector of Power of the Azerbaijan branch of Academy Sciences of the USSR.

Activity Sector of Power was conducted in following directions

  • studying of hydropower resources of republic and working out of methods of their effective utilization in a power supply system;
  • research of special modes of a power supply system and working out of methods of their calculation;
  • the decision of problems of automation and power support of a petroleum industry;
  • thermodynamics research quasiideal gases, oil carbohydrates and the generalized equations of a condition of their fractions.

In 1941 year the Power Sector has been transformed by the decision of Ministerial council of the USSR to the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Power Institute of Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan (AzSRPI).At this time research works by an estimation hydro-and windenergetics resources and to their effective utilization, studying of structure of a power supply system and its communication with power supply systems of Southern - Caucasian republics and under the decision of problems of power support of a petroleum industry were spent. The further researches have been connected with building of powerful power stations and the electric mains which necessity was defined by creation of large industrial centers and actual problems of development of a power supply system of republic.The scientific subjects of Institute during this period were defined by branch scientific programs and all-union bodies of the Government of the USSR.


  • working out of fuel and energy balance and development on its basis of priority branches of a national economy (the industry, agriculture, household services etc.);
  • application of electronic computers and new methods, management of complex modes of power supply systems on the basis of modern methods of modeling;
  • creation of devices and information-measuring systems on the basis of new electrochemical principles;
  • thermophysical researches and research of heat exchange of steam and water;
  • research of features of use of salty and sea water on thermal electric stations;
  • working out of methods of increase in reliability of the power equipment on the basis of new methods of restriction of currents of short circuit;
  • working out of effective protective systems of high-voltage transmission lines from a lightning;
  • researches on environment protection;
  • use of sources of renewed energy (a wind power and geothermal thermal sources);
  • Working out of effective protection of environment from influences of high-voltage electric lines.