Ganja automobile plant on map

Ganja automobile plant

Ganca, Sadig Rehimov street, 1 AZ2009 *** 0 voted

About Ganja automobile plant

The production power of Ganja automobile plant founded in 1986 is considered for the production of 30000 automobiles of model "Gazel" according to the project. On the base of the project the construction of the institution should be ended till the end of 1989 year. But according to the decision of Ministers Cabinets of USSR the construction of the factory was interrupted at the same year and the technological project was given to Bryansk automobile plant. So the 256 hectares of territory and 50 hectares of production territory stayed without utilization during 15 years.

It is right that, the problem concerning the construction of automobile plant was considered by the government after Azerbaijan had obtained its independence. Since 1994 the giant and famous automobile companies of Italy, Korea, Japan, France and Germany have interested in the institution. But the negotiations held with them ended without result.Only in December 2004 Gandja automobile plant began its activity and the first car combined at the factory was issued.