Fuadakva on map


Baku, Binagadi district, Javadkhan street, 1/56 AZ1000 *** 0 voted

About Fuadakva

The company "FUADAKVA" LLC - pools "DESJOYAUX" (France). Service Center "DESJOYAUX" provides quality services to all its customers. Here, our experts will quickly and at a high level service your pool. The company "DESJOYAUX" is specialized in the maintenance and construction of monolithic concrete pools for over 20 years, and in the construction of public and private swimming pools – for more than 45 years. A large number of monolithic concrete pools of company was built in Russia and the CIS countries, and public and private swimming pools - in 75 countries. The company "DESJOYAUX" is a leader in the development and manufacture of swimming pools in Europe. The annual production capacity of more than 10,000 swimming pools, sale of public swimming pools has a half thousand a year. 450 stores belonging to "DESJOYAUX" are located in 75 countries of the world. Pools of brand "DESJOYAUX" are practical and high reliability, allowing you to get great pleasure from sailing. The technology used by the company in the construction of swimming pools, in addition to the construction of new public or private pools, also allows to reconstruct obsolete. Application pool of "DESJOYAUX" allows you to avoid update communications in the design. Pools of this brand has a number of advantages: - There is no need to drain the pool water by the sewer; - No need for additional office space; - Pools are hygienic and leak; - Water filtration is performed with the absorption of up to 6 micron particles; - Pools of "DESJOYAUX" can be equipped with various water attractions; - The size and shape of the basin can be different; - Pools can be integrated into any interior or landscape design; - The construction of monolithic concrete pool requires at least 14 days; - Pool is economical and very easy to operate; - Setting pools are provided with 10 years warranty. The products of the brand "DESJOYAUX" have became popular about 10 years ago in Azerbaijan, although the official activities of the company has started a few years later in our country. There were more than 15 public and 80 private pools, and 130 underwent reconstruction of pools for 5 years in Azerbaijan. The company offers the following services: implementation of accessories and consumables for the pool, pool cleaning, the systematic replacement of the filter element, the observation of biological water treatment, counseling consumers. The company has also a special emergency services, designed to eliminate unwanted problems arising from the operation of the equipment.