Dizel.az on map


Baku, Montin settlement, Narimanov district, Arif Heydarov street, 120/122 AZ1000 *** 1 voted

About Dizel.az

Before creation of DIZEL.AZ we analyzed some of the most popular specialized Internet resources of the world , borrowed all the most positive features and adapted them at the Azerbaijani market FUNCTIONAL We made the website the most functional. Information about the rental, sale of construction machinery and equipment had never been so easily accessible. Registration on site will enable you : -Add ads to "bookmarks" - Create your ad ; - Manage your ads . Sections of the site : RENT SALES We also added VACANCIES AND RESUME And for dessert PHOTO and VIDEO EASY TO USE When designing the interface , we have focused on simplicity and usability . Everything is so simple and intuitive that the search for the information can be accomplished in 2 clicks Whoever you were , officers or employees , use of the site will seem perfectly simple. Now you do not have to spend hours - now it is solved in seconds. We can help you save your time and money. SEARCH System of searching on the site - logically correct at the same time is very simple to use. You can search by mark, model, equipment category , as well you access the advanced search , where you can select additional search options , such as Location , Price, Year , Keyword etc. And that's not all . Advanced Search will be available to you on the right column from any section and subsection of the site. We did it for greater comfort and mobility. As you know, one of the leading suppliers of quality construction machinery is Germany. This year, we opened an office of DİZEL.AZ in Germany. Our employees in Germany have the necessary advice when choosing and buying equipment.