COMEX Compass Express on map

COMEX Compass Express

Baku, Yasamal district, Suleyman Rahimov street, 167/6 AZ1001 *** 4 voted

About COMEX Compass Express

COMEX Compass Express service - The list of services that can meet the delivery service «Compass Express», a rather wide:

  • Delivery will circulations invitations, journals, etc.
  • Product shipped parcels.
  • Arranged delivery of correspondence, including advertising.
  • From company to company delivered securities.
  • Possible delivery courier accounts, etc.
  • We made express delivery of various cargoes to Azerbaijan Made Direct Mail (provision of targeted bases in rent), etc.

How does the service delivery «Compass Express»?

«Compass Express» company proud to be able to not only organize the delivery, but also the fact that mail delivery, parcel delivery, delivery runs and so on., Is exactly on time. Our delivery service – a high-level professionals. Courier services are implemented in such a way that is passed an object, whatever it was awarded under the signature and just in the hands of the addressee. Thus, courier delivery service ensures the safety of goods entrusted to our couriers.

We hire five methods of delivery:

  • Urgent courier delivery within the city. The territory, which covers such courier delivery – Baku. Delivery by courier is made directly to the day of your treatment in our company. From the moment of placing the order to the delivery of the goods or the recipient of the message, passes a maximum of 3 hours.
  • Not very urgent order, when the service delivery to Baku, the subject of the contract will give the recipient within 1-6 days.
  • The term, which will be made mail delivery, delivery runs or parcel delivery, defined by the customer.
  • Courier services for road transport when the service delivery takes delivery of goods by regions.
  • Delivery of various cargoes to Azerbaijan. Delivery by courier to Azerbaijan. Typically, this transport is relatively small items: delivery circulation, parcel delivery, delivery of correspondence, etc.