Churrasco Steak House on map

Churrasco Steak House

Baku, Sabail district, Uzeyir Hajıbayov street, 14 AZ1000 *** 1 voted

About Churrasco Steak House

“Churrasco Steak House” started its activity in February, 1999. From that day up to date, it drew attention with its comfortable atmosphere and involved staff. Now it is not only important tasty meal, but also it is significant to rest in the place in which has atmosphere, music and the staff. This restaurant is the favorite place to rest of high-quality meat dishes and grill lovers. Ancient and very popular “Churrasco Steak House” is located at the near of Malakan garden.

Services of Churrasco Steak House

It is possible here to romantic evening with lovely persons, to rest in family atmosphere and to discuss business projects slowly. The menu consists of the best meals of the European cuisine, fresh salads, snacks, all the possible sauce produced by ourselves and tasty desserts that are suggested by chef. “Churrasco Steak House” interior has been worked in the vintage style: A lot of tress and positive décor, all the tables are made classic service. Come on “Churrasco Steak House” and this time you will understand that why all our guests come here with pleasure and continuously.