The history of the name “BAGHLAN” is to be traced back to a small sponsorship project of youth sport, as the word BAGHLAN was chosen for its meaning in the ancient turk languages. It describes a person of respect, who also enjoys respect in public and is known for his commitment to his bonds. To this extent the word is used even today: baghlanmaq – to bind, to get connected. So “BAGHLAN” symbolizes the strong ties of the GROUP to its national heritage.
- We build a long-term relationship with our partners as the final arbiters of our success.
- BAGHLAN GROUP is a long-term partner with aspiration for deep dedication to clients’ interests.
- Our work principles are dignity, respect, non-discrimination, competitiveness, integrity, as well as no manipulation, no concealment, no unfair dealing-practices.
Baghlan Group
- To contribute to development of country’s infrastructure
- To safeguard interests of all stakeholders
- To achieve high financial, economic, industrial and technological indicators.
- To ensure upgrade qualification of employee;
- To promote environmentally friendly approach in all spheres of business.
- We are value-driven organization. The value we cherish the most is people: people who work for us, people who work with us and people we work for.
Our value is driven by the desire to contribute to country’s development and building better future for next generations.