Azintourist on map


Baku, Narimanov district, Akademik Hasan Aliyev street, 125 AZ1000 *** 1 voted

About Azintourist

Company «Azintourist» Travel Company was founded in 1997, has extensive experience in the field of tourism in order to make any kind of tourism available to our customers. Today "Azintourist" has a reputation of one of the most recognized travel agencies in Azerbaijan, providing quality services to customers. Main specialization of the company «Azintourist» is a business travel and trips around the world. We guarantee our customers highly professional approach, impeccable service and increased attention. Company «Azintourist» provides a full range of services: the organization of individual and group business trips anywhere in the world, booking and accommodation in Azerbaijan and abroad reservation and issue of air and railway tickets domestic and international visa support and assistance in obtaining foreign passports, insurance policies. organization of transfers and car hire with or without driver anywhere in the world excursion service organization of tours ( medical, wedding, winter, summer camps )

Azintourist can organize the following:

  • visits to museums and theatres
  • cultural and sport entertainment
  • sea shore relaxation
  • Caucasian hunting goats
  • visa issuing
  • currency exchange facilities
  • selling avia ticket to a number of destinations
  • wine of Azerbaijan and the opportunity to try the national meals in the restaurant "Caravan - Saray" (Old Town)
  • facilities and services for participants in international congresses, symposia and other events
  • picnics in the picturesque areas of the Republic such as Quba, Sheki, Shemakhi and so on
  • "Azintourist" provides its clients with tours to Pakistan, India, Singapore, Thailand, China, Iran,
  • Turkey, Morokko, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Malta, South America and other countries.