Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev (ASATID) is an institution ensuring retraining and professional development of physicians and pharmacists in the world advanced level of scientific and technical progress and according to education standards of the country. The Institute was established on November 20, 1935 at the initiative of Commissariat of Health of the former Soviet Socialist Republic.
In 1980 multi-storey hotel-type dormitory have been established under ASIDMP, new scientific information and patent department, department of neurology, anaesthesiology and resuscitation, organization of the pharmacology, and economics departments were created. In 1988 surgery clinic of the institute, further genetics-immunology clinic was established. Department of Oncology in 1994, department of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology in 1998, Ray Diagnostics and Endoscopy, Judicial Medicine and Pathology departments were created. Big medical centres of the city were determined as bases of the institute according to order of the Minister of Health. Proctology, Urgent Medical Assistance Department and Department of Family Medicine were established during 2000-2003 years.
Now 28 departments perform within the institute. Scientific and pedagogical staff of the institute consists of members of Azerbaijan, Russian national Academies of Sciences, and NAS of other foreign countries, 34 doctors of sciences, 127 masters, 8 honoured scientists, 8 honoured doctors. Some of them are awarded with “Glory” and “Progress’ medals. Technical basis of the institute is strengthened, development of scientific-pedagogical staff improved, 40 doctor and 130 master thesis are defended, 70 local and foreign post-graduate students and nearly 160 residential physicians are educated during these years.
Outcomes of scientific research works held in the institute and experience of educational activity let the institute to hold several international conferences, seminars and workshops. Institute informs doctors with results of modern scientific research works for ensuring their application in practical medicine. From 2009 year professor Kerimov Senan Husi, head of the department of venereology, leads the Institute. Foreign relations of the institute are strengthened last years. Institute financed education of 25 persons from pedagogical staff in foreign countries. Organization of conferences with participation of professionals from other countries became tradition of the institute. At the same time doctors from our country successfully finished improvement courses held by famous professors of Moscow, St.Petersburg and other cities. Most of departments are equipped with modern technical base for effective organization of lectures and practical lessons.