The American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan is a private, non-profit business association supporting and promoting the interests of business in Azerbaijan. Established in 1996, AmCham is composed of over 250 members and associates active in every sector of the Azerbaijani economy. We represent 80% of all foreign investment, as well as a significant portion of local investment, in Azerbaijan. Through our industry sector committees, our members are able to share information, raise issues of common concern and propose possible solutions. As AmCham members, companies and organizations have access to a vast network of business information and contacts, in Azerbaijan and in the US government.
Our mission is to promote the business interests of our members by working to improve the business climate in Azerbaijan and by providing services to our members. An active and positive influence in Azerbaijan, we conduct our mission with integrity and respect for the country, observing all local laws and insisting on the highest ethical standards in all relationships and transactions. “American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan” Public Association is a noncommercial, non-governmental, Non-profit Organization established and organized as a public association in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan The Chamber is established for an indefinite period. The Chamber’s right as a legal entity commence from the date of its state registration. The laws of Azerbaijan and this Charter shall guide the activities of the Chamber.
The purpose of the Chamber it to promote the Business of the Members by working to improve the Business climate in Azerbaijan and providing Services to the Members.