AAC company produces gobustone perforated aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete goods are produced in the factories which located in more than 50 countries around the world and which number of more than 200.We are proud of the establishment of such a factory in Azerbaijan!Aerated concrete differs from the other construction materials with its strength, lightness, durability, sustainability of heat and frost, ecological safety, processed quite easily when used hand or electric tools. Aerated concrete is currently using in the construction of high-rise and low-rise buildings, in the building of external and internal walls, in the construction of partitions, coatings and ladders.
The emergence of aerated concrete to the market of Azerbaijan will change fundamentally of technology of construction works and its duration. We are constantly developing new methods and technologies and try to expand our scope of activities as a first factory that produces aerated concrete in Caucasus region.We are always take into consideration our customers’ interests and capabilities and trying to provide them with the necessary information. This is the main issue for us Customer’s confidence inasmuch as an important factor for sale. We hope that, the next step will be the visit to the company after becoming familiar with the website.We will be glad to see you among our customers and partners!